Monday, December 22, 2008

Let It ****SNOW****

Oh my goodness when I got up this morning I looked out the door and I have never seen so much snow in my whole life it is sooooooo pretty !!! I love it I am just REALLY glad I do not have to get out in it !!!! I do think we are all going to go out there later and take some pictures !! And there is more coming !!! HEHE I am glad kevin is the one that has to go shovel I would pass out if I had to do it !! Have a wonderful day ALL

Friday, December 19, 2008

The last day of work and school

Today is the last day of work for Kevin he is supposed to get out early we will see about that if he does we will be going to get Titus from school so he does not have to ride the bus he will be glad about that over the next 2 weeks we will be doing NOTHING I wish we could go home for Christmas but that is not happening I do not know where we would go if we did go HOME anyway!! We will just have to figure that out another time !! So for Christmas day we will take our time let the boys open their gifts then I think we are going to stacys house for Christmas dinner that will be nice we never get to spend time with them !! Have a wonderful Christmas if I do not get on here again before then!!

Monday, December 15, 2008


OK so yesterday we went to church and I got to sing for the first time in over a year !! It was nice to be able to sing I thought i might not be able to any more because it had been so long !!! Then we went to our Battalion Christmas party they had a chili cook off and a dessert cook off I did not like ANY of the chili but whatever they also had 2 big bounce around things for the kids Titus and Levi LOVED it !! Then Santa came in and they all got pictures with him it was kinda funny to see Santa holding all three boys at one time !! Today i am taking the boys to the Dr Caleb is very sick with a bad cough and runny nose and Levi has been coughing too, they are seeing the same Dr but there is 2 hours between the times !! UGH that kinda stinks !! Only one week til Kevin has 2 weeks off and Titus too I am so excited for that time just our family. Kevin is leaving in 8 weeks for iraq, I am getting more and more sad and nerves the closer it gets. I can not imagine watching him get in the bus and leaving me and the boys standing there alone. Kinda like the pictures and videos they have of it always make me cry and I don't even know them. Now it is gonna be ME, US, My babies are the ones missing daddy, I can not even imagine not having my husband and help meet for a whole year. Kevin says "we will be stronger and more in love for it" I am not worried about us I know we were meant to be together and I could not live without Kevin but I am so worried about the boys. I just do not want them to resent us for this later, you know him being gone all the time and moving around all the time" ARMY life" all that. I don't know maybe I am over thinking it but it is just how I feel and am thinking !! Well that is all for now I guess I just kinda need to vent and I know the only people reading this is family so I really wanted all of you to know that is how I have been feeling lately!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

WOW Kevin finally got it!!!

Ok so last night before they released the guys Kevin was call out along with 3 other guys and was given his first promotion he is an E-4 now !!! We are so happy and thankful for this we have been praying for it for a along time !!! He said about 50 guys came by and punched his chest LOL I guess that is their way to say congrats !!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Busy Day

After church we helped Katie move the rest of her stuff out to her new house I was stuck out there with all three boys and no phone, no diaper bag (another story),and she does not have blinds on her windows UGH it was like I was in the middle of a horror movie !! Well probably not that bad but I was kinda nervous !! Anyway after this LONG weekend (which was nice) it is back to life as usual tomorrow, with Caleb waking me up at 6 and so on from there, nothing exciting really, just mommy stuff !! I am also praying that Kevin gets his promotion to E-4 tomorrow if he does I hope they let me know so I can go get pictures . Well I am off to TRY to sleep !!